Day 32-34 – Aug 1, 2, & 3


Shopping, billing, stocking and moving. . Here we go again… 🙂 First and second went well, as expected.. and that means September will definitely be our start of our adventure, if the mood lightens. I hate when people are so damn grumpy. But its to be expected when its been so rainy these past couple days.

Days 23, 24 & 25.


Back to the grind. Yet this is almost said and done. This is part of the waiting. Although we r loving having niece M with us 🙂 the kids are all getting along great and baby E is getting to know more of her extended family. She is not so whiny. Our last call back denied us help, so we r trying one last Avenue. Fingers crossed. Anyone up for some omelets?? I have some farm fresh eggs that need to be used

Days 20, 22 &22


Training program complete! And I think I only got one wrong! All I know is that it says successfully completed. Now the wait. Anyhow the kids are getting fitter but have had to stay mostly indoors. The heat is unbearable. And the storms have been awesome! We out the ac off and the generator and just fell asleep to the sound if the rain. We thought we had a leak on one of the seals by L’s bed but it must have been left slightly open the first time around. We r now just waiting until Wednesday and we should hear some good news. Fingers crossed it all goes well. I am just really hoping for everything to go well on the first and the second. Life is a waiting game… but I’m enjoying the ride…

Days 17, 18 & 19

So while we’ve been gone we got the generator to somewhat work. It seems to be charging the batteries. The fridge I am sure is a lost cause.  Lol. But the kids have worked out how to bathe in the camper. No small feat! But three sets of little feet.  🙂 So for now I am doing some Easter Seals Veteran Caregiver training and learning along the way, or I should say a refresher course of sorts… time to study.. 🙂

Day 14, 15, &16



Wooooo the last couple days have been busy. But what’s life without a couple hiccups? So seems we have three batteries drained. A new fridge and generator to buy and the rv wont start. Buahahahaha.. all in stride. . What I need is some lemons.. I got water thankfully let’s make some lemonade. But I’ll get it all figured out. We always do.. so put on the ac and let’s watch some terra nova and wait on some call backs. 😉